Monday, September 28, 2015

NAS Oceana Airshow 2015

We headed down to the airshow mid-morning opening day... It was quite busy! Somehow we got into a preferred parking lane and ended up parking where the fighter jets usually are on base. No one told us to show a pass or anything so we just went with it. Because of where we parked we didn't need to take a shuttle, we just loaded up the stroller and walked to the entry. We got to see a military landing zone and bombing demo, the Geico Skytypers, an awesome aerial show in a Texan, and some skydivers. Of course we were there for the Blue Angel's though!

Ear pro by Baby Banz

Mamarazzi... hehe, love my boys! They are checking out the skydivers.

F22 Raptor, my favorite! Our windows would rattle like crazy when they flew over our house in Hawaii.

Despite the Blue Angels not performing until 3pm we ended up heading back to the car around 2pm since baby boy was completely spent, and probably a bit dehydrated, little did we know we would be getting to see the Blue Angel's after all! He drank some water and promptly passed out. We spent nearly 1.5hrs in the parking lot... for some reason they only had one exit route set-up for the parking area we were in. Let me just say you sure can learn a lot about a person's character when stuck in a parking lot. There were two cars that decided they were far more important than everyone else and bullied their way through the lines (I mean we didn't want to get in an accident, and I don't think anyone else did, so when they kept edging in and honking their horns we weren't chancing it!). Despite watching the Blue Angels from the car and the crazy parking situation - it was a good day!

What is your favorite part of attending an airshow?

Friday, September 25, 2015

Almond Butter Blondies

Sometimes my sweet tooth gets the best of me! I try to keep the carbs in check though, hence the almond butter to combat the sugar. These aren't terribly sweet but they are very satisfying, my husband wasn't going to have any because he wasn't "in the mood for dessert" but I made him try a square and he said "these are good, not too sweet, but they have a nice taste!"

Almond Butter Blondies
Gluten free, can be dairy free if you utilize 2tbsp of flax seed in place of the egg and carob chips

1 cup almond butter
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 twists on my sea salt grinder
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 egg + 3 tablespoons water
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2) Beat egg in medium sized bowl
3) Add all ingredients to the egg and stir until dough forms (it will look a bit grainy)
4) Fold in the chocolate chips
5) Put batter in a greased metal pie pan, pat flat with the back of the spoon
6) Bake for 20min, top will be a dark gold color and the edges will just start to brown
7) Let pan cool on wire rack for at least 10min before attempting to cut into slices/squares (unless you are serving to a party to share - you can pull out of the oven, wait 5min, and top with ice cream then pass the spoons around so everyone can dig in- but be careful as the pan is extremely hot!)

Friday, September 18, 2015

Fit Friday! - Let's Go For A Walk.

Sorry for the late post, West Coast & East Coast time difference and an e-mail miscommunication... but here it is! Adrien from Freckled & Free is discussing the benefits of walking and what to plan for when baby is involved.

Let us know if there are any good walking paths in your neighborhood/hometown! If you're on Instagram you can also hashtag #thedaringdandelion #fitfriday and tag @thedaringdandelion

There's a walking path a couple miles down the road from us, guess we should try it!


Let's Go For A Walk!
Seems simple right? Because it is. Walking is a great was to burn calories, stay active, get to where you need to go, have some quality family time, discover your community, and decompress. Of course we (my husband & I) will be babywearing on our walks. We try to walk everywhere we can that it makes sense.

We walk to the coffee house, post office, grocery store, pharmacy, dollar store, Salvation Army, and sometimes even McDonalds for a late night sweet-tooth craving. Walking is a great low-impact exercise. I try to walk a minimum of 30 minutes twice a day. The first walk is bonding time, just baby girl and I. The second walk is all about family and my husband wears our little lady.

If you have babies and are able to babywear I highly recommend it. It is a great was to get an additional calore burn and bond even more with your child. If stroller is how you roll (pun intended), then roll away!

My tips for walking with baby:
  1. Wear comfy appropriate footwear. There's no point in having sore feet.
  2. Dress accordingly . If its sunny, wear sunscreen (baby as well, if old enough), sunglasses, hat, and light layers. If raining or there's a chance of rain wear and oversized rain coat while babywearing (needs to fit around you and baby).
  3. Make sure before you leave that baby is in a fresh diaper. I say this because if your walk is short enough you should not need to pack diapers. With that being said, going for a longer walk (1hr+) bring those diapers!
  4. Take your time and enjoy the walk. Literally, or not, "stop and smell the roses." By taking the time to enjoy the walk through your community you are introducing your child to the town.
Children or not, I hope you are able to get out for a walk soon. Who knows, maybe you will discover a new little surprise... a community garden, art display, small business, stream, or playground you didn't know about. So get out, discover, and stretch your legs.

If you want to add a bit more to your walks, I recommend checking out my Morning Stretch Flow & Mommy & Baby exercise routine.


Disclaimer: Adrien is a Beach Body Coach, however all the moves listed are done at your own risk. Please ensure that your baby can hold their head up on their own before attempting any of these moves. Be sure to consult a doctor before starting any exercise program. The Daring Dandelion along with Freckled & Free assume no responsibility for injuries that may occur while completing the moves utilized in this workout.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Strong Women.

The saying "you know what you were getting yourself into" sure gets old after awhile...

I have a good friend who's husband is currently away for training prior to a 6mo deployment. They went through a combat deployment while they were dating but this will be their first while married. Time and distance are one thing before marriage, but once you get used to living, sleeping, eating, and sharing everything with your spouse... the prospect of that not happening daily is downright overwhelming. I completely understand what she's going through, and she knows I am there for her (despite the distance, I wish so badly we were still living in the same place) but unfortunately the women she has encountered at her new duty station haven't been so, um, understanding... to put it nicely.

They compare.
They one-up.
They tell her to deal with it.
They really need to stop.

Everyone is always saying that we aren't treated equally by men ...but how can we expect that when we don't event treat each other equally? For me life isn't some huge competition to see who comes out on top, its about the connections we make, the people we love, and the life we share together.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Oatmeal Banana Snack Cookies

 I don't know why but I'm not a fan of just eating bananas, which seems silly considering I love them frozen in smoothies/shakes, baked in all forms, and back when I ate candy - those banana runts were the best! Hah! My husband doesn't really grab for them either and the baby just likes to smash them up with his hands and then rub them all over his tray, clothes, and hair before he even thinks about eating them... so we often have brown bananas. We all love my Banana Peanut Butter Muffins, but I already have a batch in the fridge and another in the freezer for next week, so I wanted to try something new. A while back I saw a "3-ingredient cookie" posted on Facebook but could only remember 2 of the ingredients - bananas and oatmeal. So I just went with it. Sometimes it's so much fun to experiment in the kitchen!

The base of this recipes is honestly just bananas and old-fashioned oats. No pre-packaged mix as "one" ingredient when it's really like 20, most being items I don't even know how to pronounce!

Two of my favorite things about this recipe:
  1. The absolute versatility - whatever flavor you want!
  2. You can straight up eat the batter if you so choose, I definitely got caught licking the last bits out of the bowl with the spoon...
Oatmeal Banana Snack Cookies
gluten free, dairy free, egg free, nut free, sugar free
  • 3 ripe bananas (mine were on the smaller side)
  • 1 cup old fashioned oats
  • Any mix-ins ...if desired. You DON'T have to use anything.*

    I used: 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips, 1/4cup unsweetened shredded coconut, 1/4 cup sun flower seeds, 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds, 1/4 cup almond slivers
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2) Mash bananas and mix in oats (I used my kitchen aid, but I'm sure you could do this by hand or with a hand mixer)
3) Slowly add mix-ins, you want the "batter" to remain moist, so if it starts getting crumbly you probably added too many things and may need to add another half of a banana
4) Drop by rounded teaspoons onto a greased cooking sheet
5) Slightly flatten to form more of a cookie shape
6) Bake for 11min

Yield: This recipe made us 21 snack sized cookies

*Additional mix-in ideas: dried fruit (raisins, cranberries), I also think cocoa powder could make these a little more dessert-like

Before I added the nuts, seeds, and chocolate I made two with just cinnamon and coconut, they are little man approved! However, I should have baked his for 9-10min instead so they would have been softer and the coconut wouldn't have gotten "crispy."

 Are you a banana fan?

Friday, September 4, 2015

Fit Friday! - Everyday Fitness.

It's Fit Friday with the lovely Adrien from Freckled & Free,
this time we are stepping inside her home...

Let us know what you do between baby duty, household chores, cooking, etc!
If you're on Instagram you can also hashtag #daringdandelion #fitfriday and tag @thedaringdandelion.

Yesterday was cleaning day in my house, I definitely did a few of these moves!


Everyday Fitness!
I can honestly say that right now, and over the last couple weeks, I’m not sure how I ever finished a workout program. Gah, a teething baby may just be the hardest part of being a new mom. So I have come up with a few moves that I can easily do in between house chores and caring for this adorable little girl.

#1 Tricep Dips
You can use your couch or coffee table for these. Lower yourself making sure your back is flat and as close as possible to the couch edge with knees at a 90-degree angle.
To make these more difficult you can straighten out your legs in front of you. 10 reps, repeat 3 times.

#2 Modified Push-ups
Knees on the floor, keep your hands under your shoulders, and make sure your back is flat. 10 reps, repeat 3 times.

#3 Forearm Plank 
Forearms planks are great for those with wrist problems. When in plank form make sure to keep your back flat. A straight line from head to heels. Make sure your hips are not dipping and that you do not have a "teepee butt" ...hold for 1min.

#4 Squats
Most important thing when doing squats is keeping your knees behind your toes, keeping your knees in line with your ankles (don't let your knees waver in or out), and keep your back flat. 15 reps, repeat 3 times.

#5 Calf Raises - Three Ways
Now these are special with three different foot positions. Trust me, these suckers, you are going to feel them! Need help with keeping balance? Hold onto a chair or counter. 10 reps per position, repeat 3 times for a total of 90 calf raises.
Positions: Feet parallel. Toes pointed in. Toes pointed out.

I don’t normally do these all at once because life happens. I find it easiest to perform tricep dips, pushups, and plank when baby girl is having her tummy time. It usually keeps her very entertained. Calf raises and squats I like to do while cooking dinner or while doing the dishes. I hope you enjoy these simple moves. Life is not always picture perfect and neither are workouts. Sometimes you just have to take what time you have and work with it.

Disclaimer: Adrien is a Beach Body Coach, however all the moves listed are done at your own risk. Please ensure that your baby can hold their head up on their own before attempting any of these moves. Be sure to consult a doctor before starting any exercise program. The Daring Dandelion along with Freckled & Free assume no responsibility for injuries that may occur while completing the moves utilized in this workout.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

How did I get here? Where am I going?

My 10yr high school reunion is coming up, along with my baby sister's wedding, and my son's first birthday... Recently when I lie (lay?) awake at night mind racing, my thoughts keep coming back too...
  • How did I end up here?
  • How do I have a bachelor's degree that I've never used?
  • How have I been out of high school for 10yrs and college for 6yrs?
  • How has the longest job I've held only been 4yrs and part-time at that?
  • How will I be 29 in nearly a month?
  • How did I manage to be primarily a WAHW and now a WAHM?
  • How do other military spouses transfer successful careers?
  • How do moms choose career or kids? Or both? How do they juggle the time?

Then I hear the rustling of my son on the baby monitor, slowly turning into whimpers, and then cries. Cries for me.

I carried him inside me for 38wks. I went through some crazy ups & downs during the pregnancy. He decided to come 2wks early. My labor was at 25hrs when they discovered my body physically couldn't open for him to exit and 26hrs by the time they wheeled me into the OR. For the first 2mo of his life he nursed every 45min to 2hrs, 24hrs a day. I have watched him triple his birth weight, reach milestones, explore the world around him, continually growing right in front of my eyes.

So as I walk into his room and see him standing along the railing with little tears rolling down his cheeks, arms up waiting for me... I know this, for now, is exactly where I am suppose to be. We nurse & rock in the glider until he starts rubbing his sleepy eyes, then I transfer him back into his crib where, on a good night, he slips back into dreamland and I tip-toe out of his room avoiding the creaky floorboard by his door. I take one last glance of his sweet little face illuminated by the nightlight and quietly close the door, head back to my bed and slip under the sheets.

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.”
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

After being unemployed for the first 10mo of our marriage I took a crazy job with weird hours working for a school and sports portrait company that had me travel all over the state of Maryland. It worked because my husband had crazy hours as well. Once we moved to Hawaii I started my current job about 6mo after we arrived. I loved the part time flexibility because it allowed me ample time to explore the island and volunteer for things I was passionate about. Since I no longer reside in Hawaii I am wrapping up loose ends and training my replacement via online and phone sessions. I am about to become unemployed once again. But now... I am a mommy. I have a little one to invest in. I think I'll be okay. I just have to remember that we can be smart with our finances and God has something big in store for me even if I'm feeling like my dreams are a little small at the moment.

This face helps, even on the days I feel like I'm losing my mind!

What do you do when you start to question your life?