Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Strong Women.

The saying "you know what you were getting yourself into" sure gets old after awhile...

I have a good friend who's husband is currently away for training prior to a 6mo deployment. They went through a combat deployment while they were dating but this will be their first while married. Time and distance are one thing before marriage, but once you get used to living, sleeping, eating, and sharing everything with your spouse... the prospect of that not happening daily is downright overwhelming. I completely understand what she's going through, and she knows I am there for her (despite the distance, I wish so badly we were still living in the same place) but unfortunately the women she has encountered at her new duty station haven't been so, um, understanding... to put it nicely.

They compare.
They one-up.
They tell her to deal with it.
They really need to stop.

Everyone is always saying that we aren't treated equally by men ...but how can we expect that when we don't event treat each other equally? For me life isn't some huge competition to see who comes out on top, its about the connections we make, the people we love, and the life we share together.

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