It's Fit Friday with the lovely Adrien from Freckled & Free,
this time we are stepping inside her home...
this time we are stepping inside her home...
Let us know what you do between baby duty, household chores, cooking, etc!
If you're on Instagram you can also hashtag #daringdandelion #fitfriday and tag @thedaringdandelion.
If you're on Instagram you can also hashtag #daringdandelion #fitfriday and tag @thedaringdandelion.
Yesterday was cleaning day in my house, I definitely did a few of these moves!
Everyday Fitness!
I can honestly say that right now, and over the last couple weeks, I’m not sure how I ever finished a workout program. Gah, a teething baby may just be the hardest part of being a new mom. So I have come up with a few moves that I can easily do in between house chores and caring for this adorable little girl.
#1 Tricep Dips
You can use your couch or coffee table for these. Lower yourself making sure your back is flat and as close as possible to the couch edge with knees at a 90-degree angle.
To make these more difficult you can straighten out your legs in front of you. 10 reps, repeat 3 times.
#2 Modified Push-ups
Knees on the floor, keep your hands under your shoulders, and make sure your back is flat. 10 reps, repeat 3 times.
#3 Forearm Plank
Forearms planks are great for those with wrist problems. When in plank form make sure to keep your back flat. A straight line from head to heels. Make sure your hips are not dipping and that you do not have a "teepee butt" ...hold for 1min.
#4 Squats
Most important thing when doing squats is keeping your knees behind your toes, keeping your knees in line with your ankles (don't let your knees waver in or out), and keep your back flat. 15 reps, repeat 3 times.
#5 Calf Raises - Three Ways
Now these are special with three different foot positions. Trust me, these suckers, you are going to feel them! Need help with keeping balance? Hold onto a chair or counter. 10 reps per position, repeat 3 times for a total of 90 calf raises.
Positions: Feet parallel. Toes pointed in. Toes pointed out.
I don’t normally do these all at once because life happens. I find it easiest to perform tricep dips, pushups, and plank when baby girl is having her tummy time. It usually keeps her very entertained. Calf raises and squats I like to do while cooking dinner or while doing the dishes. I hope you enjoy these simple moves. Life is not always picture perfect and neither are workouts. Sometimes you just have to take what time you have and work with it.
Disclaimer: Adrien is a Beach Body Coach, however all the moves listed are done at your own risk. Please ensure that your baby can hold their head up on their own before attempting any of these moves. Be sure to consult a doctor before starting any exercise program. The Daring Dandelion along with Freckled & Free assume no responsibility for injuries that may occur while completing the moves utilized in this workout.
Teepee Butt!! I laughed!