Sorry for the late post, West Coast & East Coast time difference and an e-mail miscommunication... but here it is! Adrien from Freckled & Free is discussing the benefits of walking and what to plan for when baby is involved.
Let us know if there are any good walking paths in your neighborhood/hometown! If you're on Instagram you can also hashtag #thedaringdandelion #fitfriday and tag @thedaringdandelion
There's a walking path a couple miles down the road from us, guess we should try it!
Seems simple right? Because it is. Walking is a great was to burn calories, stay active, get to where you need to go, have some quality family time, discover your community, and decompress. Of course we (my husband & I) will be babywearing on our walks. We try to walk everywhere we can that it makes sense.
We walk to the coffee house, post office, grocery store, pharmacy, dollar store, Salvation Army, and sometimes even McDonalds for a late night sweet-tooth craving. Walking is a great low-impact exercise. I try to walk a minimum of 30 minutes twice a day. The first walk is bonding time, just baby girl and I. The second walk is all about family and my husband wears our little lady.
If you have babies and are able to babywear I highly recommend it. It is a great was to get an additional calore burn and bond even more with your child. If stroller is how you roll (pun intended), then roll away!
My tips for walking with baby:
- Wear comfy appropriate footwear. There's no point in having sore feet.
- Dress accordingly . If its sunny, wear sunscreen (baby as well, if old enough), sunglasses, hat, and light layers. If raining or there's a chance of rain wear and oversized rain coat while babywearing (needs to fit around you and baby).
- Make sure before you leave that baby is in a fresh diaper. I say this because if your walk is short enough you should not need to pack diapers. With that being said, going for a longer walk (1hr+) bring those diapers!
- Take your time and enjoy the walk. Literally, or not, "stop and smell the roses." By taking the time to enjoy the walk through your community you are introducing your child to the town.
If you want to add a bit more to your walks, I recommend checking out my Morning Stretch Flow & Mommy & Baby exercise routine.
Disclaimer: Adrien is a Beach Body Coach, however all the moves listed are done at your own risk. Please ensure that your baby can hold their head up on their own before attempting any of these moves. Be sure to consult a doctor before starting any exercise program. The Daring Dandelion along with Freckled & Free assume no responsibility for injuries that may occur while completing the moves utilized in this workout.
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