Well, it's world breastfeeding week... I have EBF my son since day one, I
pumped for back-up supply & so daddy could be part of the feedings
once or twice a day, and we didn't even introduce solids until he was
already past 6mo old.
First latch, swollen and puffy in the recovery room after my c-section. |
Breastfeeding isn't "easy," it is physically and emotionally demanding even for someone who hasn't had any latch, supply, or duct issues. The first month Lanolin was my best friend and I had one tiny milk blister that a hot compress and my pump got out. Other than that... Smooth sailing for little guy and I.
Like I said though... It's physically & emotionally demanding! Why? Your baby relies on you 24/7 for everything. I honestly don't remember much from the first 2wks other than we camped on the couch during the day and I walked across the hall to his room to log miles in the glider all night long. Feedings were every 1-2hrs, but cluster feeds - oh man - those could be every 30-45min at night! Some days I couldn't remember if I had showered. Luckily I was hungry all the time so not eating or staying hydrated wasn't an issue for me.
Going places. Hmmm... All I have to say is make sure the back seat of your car is comfortable while breastfeeding! Lots of times even if I fed right before we left the house, I would have to feed him again when we arrived at our destination. In the beginning my husband wanted to bring bottles if we went out, eventually he realized it truly was easier just to give straight from the source. I think it just took him some time getting used to being comfortable with me feeding in public.
I have only pumped twice since he turned 6mo old, I really should build a stock back up, but I truly hate that thing. My insurance didn't cover a pump (it does now, so next baby I'm totally getting a nice hospital one!) so we got one of the Medela's which is nice and works but honestly the baby is so much more efficient and I hate sitting there "milking" myself! HUGE PROPS to all you career mommies that pump all day at work! That takes dedication for sure!
I NEVER wanted to breastfeed, I always said "my sister and I were formula fed and we both turned out just fine," seriously ask anyone who knows me well. Once I got pregnant and started taking classes I weighed pros/cons, and decided I would try it out in the hospital to see how it went... I ended up sticking with it but I have plenty of friends who's milk supply wasn't enough and had to supplement, those whose supply never came in, and those who straight up said "nope, formula it is!" All of which are perfectly fine in my book. If your baby is healthy, you're doing it right.
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Yesterday, 9.5mo old (his arm is about to smack me in the face!) |
A lot of people choose to breast feed because it's free. And while this is true in the monetary sense there are still "costs." It takes a lot of time, a lot of will, and being okay with giving of yourself completely. I mean my entire wardrobe has changed, while I still go for cute/comfortable most of the time I don't buy it if I can't figure out a way to breastfeed in it. That's kind of limiting. And time is a huge one, early on some days I felt like all I'd done was sit on my butt while my baby ate/slept then wanted to do it again... and again... (I feel the same now with growth spurts and teething days/nights).
Do you breastfeed? If so, any crazy stories?
Now it's more of a bonding time... Despite occasionally getting slapped,
scratched, or kicked (he's a big guy now at 21lbs) I like knowing
he needs me and that my body is still giving him nutrients that he needs!
Do you breastfeed? If so, any crazy stories?
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