My muscles are coming back!
This is a big deal.
So many people have looked at me after giving birth and said things along the lines of -
"Did you really just have a kid?"
"Look how thin you are!"
"You are so lucky."
"You need to gain some weight..."
"Are you dieting? You should probably eat more."
"You're looking kind of ill."
"Well, at least you aren't fat."
Here's the truth in numbers, not that it's any of your business but I'm all for honesty...
I gained 23 pounds during my pregnancy, currently I am 8 pounds under my pre-pregnacy weight.
I had a very long and drawn out labor, maybe I'll share it sometime,
that ultimately resulted in a c-section and basically being on bed rest
for 8wks. During my labor I separated my ab muscles (diastasis recti)
and couldn't do any traditional abdominal workouts (think
sit-ups/planks) or strenuous ab activity otherwise I risked increasing
the separation rather than healing it.
About 10wks after delivery I did my first post-natal workout DVD. I
slowly started adding walks that turned into jogs pushing the baby. I
did yoga positions that stretched and strengthened without putting too
much pressure on my abs. But it wasn't until little man hit 7mo that my
abs were finally back where they needed to be for me to push myself. I
am currently doing Les Mills Combat and loving it, I feel stronger and
more energized. My body is getting its muscle tone back and while I
still haven't gained much weight I know it'll come. I think I will have
to worry about it when he stops nursing, my mom & husband joke that
he "literally sucks the fat out of me" since he's such a chunk!
My shirts fit normally as do my dresses. My shorts, pants, and skirts
are a whole different story. But not the "normal" issue- they are all
too big! My butt is gone, I (insert pride) had a pretty nice butt from
working out and now it's just flat and non-existent. I honestly don't
know where it went or when it truly left (it was huge during
pregnancy!). I'm guessing sometime in those 8wks of being fairly
sedentary. So I need to get it back so my stupid clothes stop falling
off me...
I write all of this to say:
1) Whether you are thin, average, or "bigger" post-pregnancy someone will always have something to say about it - brush it off!
2) As hard as it will be, you have to give your body time to heal...
40(ish) weeks in, 40(ish) weeks out. I'm JUST now feeling like I'm back
in my routine.
3) There's no magical solution or pill - it takes work.
4) Your clothes will fit again, or if you desire, your new clothes will fit even better!
What is the weirdest thing someone said to you after having kids?
Thursday, August 27, 2015
10mo Post-Pregnancy.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Babies & Birthdays.
Little man is two months away from his first birthday and the questions have started rolling in...
- What kind of party is he having?
- What does he want?
regarding the party - when did it become necessary to have such a huge
event for a one year old. May I remind you they won't remember it. They
don't need a huge banner, fancy DIY party favors, a custom order cake,
or fancy catered food. They are one. One. (I'm not sure anyone NEEDS
those things to begin with). Why should I spend that much money? I will take pictures, he will know he was celebrated and loved.
I want my son's birthday to be cute. I'll probably even have a small
banner, I plan on doing some DIY items, but I'm making the cake myself and what
is so wrong with simple balloons and streamers these days? I swear moms put so much pressure on themselves these days to "have it all together" and make "pinterest worthy" items ...I just don't have time for that!
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This is what you get when you search "1st birthday party ideas!" |
my baby doesn't want anything other than love, attention, food, and a
place to sleep... probably a changed diaper every now and then. So what
you're really asking is "what can I buy him?" But my answer isn't fun,
it's not what people want to hear, it's practical. My sons NEEDS (money
towards) the next size up car seat and winter clothing (um hello, he was born in Hawaii and lives in a diaper most days). Neither of those
things are shiny or make noise, but I can say that I'd much rather have my son
safely secured in our vehicle and dressed adequately for cold weather
than the fleeting moment of
happiness that comes with a new toy.
So, if you don't want to hear my answer that's fine, just include a gift receipt, haha!
What are your thoughts on baby birthdays?

Friday, August 21, 2015
Fit Friday! - Get Out & Hike.
And... we're back again with another installment of Fit Friday with the lovely Adrien from Freckled & Free,
this time we are headed outside to enjoy nature~
this time we are headed outside to enjoy nature~
Let us know where you end up hiking this weekend!
If you're on Instagram you can also hashtag #daringdandelion #fitfriday and tag @thedaringdandelion.
If you're on Instagram you can also hashtag #daringdandelion #fitfriday and tag @thedaringdandelion.
Time to look up some hikes in my area!
Go For a Hike!
Not everyone is into the typical workout with weights or running. If my husband could hike everyday he would and he would be in great shape. Find the type of exercise and activity that helps you and your family stay healthy. This past weekend we went on our first official hike as a family to Flowah Falls in Oregon.
If you want to burn a few extra calories push a stroller, if appropriate for the trail, or baby-wear. I carried Lilly this time because I wanted the extra challenge but to be honest most times my husband does the baby wearing. We do that because it helps to deepen their bond since he is at work all day during the week.
Tips for hiking with baby:
- Check the weather. Sounds silly but you may need sunscreen and/or a rain resistant coat. If it does rain, be sure to have a coat that fits around you and baby in the carrier.
- Make sure you like your carrier. When picking one out, go to a baby boutique. You don't have to buy the carrier there but usually the store staff are great about helping you get fitted on one and trying out the different positions and different brands. We love our ErgoBaby Carriers, they work great for me at 5'3" and are really comfortable for my husband who is 6'4". The one pictured is the Performance carrier, it is great for warm summers with the mesh panel in the front helping to keep Lilly cool during walks or hikes. (Please note, I am not endorsed by ErgoBaby).
- Bring snacks. We brought hard boiled eggs, carrot sticks, and bottled water. Baby girl is not eating solids yet, so these were for us. Hey - parents have to eat too!
- Don't forget the WIPES! I say this with humor as I have totally forgotten to pack wipes before. In general bring a small backpack with diaper changing necessities and a change of clothes for you/baby. You never know what will happen. I also highly recommend a travel changing pad for those rocky trails.
- Easy access clothing for the breastfeeding mommas out there. Babies will get hungry even on hikes so wear something that will be easy to deal with when the need arises.
- Take a camera. These moments are memories in the making, take time to document them.
Hiking is a great way to get outdoors, burn some calories, and explore without having to spend much money. Really all you are paying for is the gas for the drive there but the memories and scenery are worth it. If you don't live within fairly easy access to hiking trails try finding some nice walking trails instead!
So if you've got babies, strap them on or stroller up, and go make some memories. If you don't have kids... grab your spouse, family members, and/or friends and get outdoors... it really is a beautiful place.
Disclaimer: Adrien is a Beach Body Coach, however all the moves listed are done at your own risk. Please ensure that your baby can hold their head up on their own before attempting any of these moves. Be sure to consult a doctor before starting any exercise program. The Daring Dandelion along with Freckled & Free assume no responsibility for injuries that may occur while completing the moves utilized in this workout.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Dating Friends.
Making new friends is like dating without having to worry about physical intimacy...
- You still have that awkward first encounter.
- You have to be brave enough to say "hello."
- Once names have been established you need to decide what your first outing (aka "date") will be. Coffee, dinner, game night?
- You get butterflies before said event.
- Your mind goes through the mental checklist- am I wearing an appropriate outfit for the situation, is my side dish/dessert/etc going to be good, will we have anything to talk about?
- After said event mentally you go through all the "stupid" stuff you said or did wishing you could change it/take it back.
- If you liked the person/people you anxiously wait for a text/call.
- When the text/call comes to invite you to another event you physically feel relieved. If it doesn't... Well that's what dark chocolate & Netflix are for, right? And if you didn't like them you've got to figure out a way to "break-up."
And people think you stop having first dates once you get married. Hah!
Monday, August 10, 2015
Banana Peanut Butter Muffins.
This past week we ran into two "problems" - squishy bananas & my husband needing some "grab & go breakfast options." The solution - these delicious muffins! I would like to note that if you want to warm them up in the microwave, paper baking cup liners will save you a step of removing them prior to placing in said microwave!
Banana PB Muffins
They are surprisingly fluffy without having any flour! I laughed when I cut open this muffin for the photo... of course I get one chock-full of chocolate... then some of them have only 1 chip! I also learned my lesson - wait until morning to take the final photo! I cut this one open after I had gotten baby in bed (past 10pm ) and thought "oh I'll just eat half" of course I ate the whole thing and was so uncomfortably full laying in bed reading my book!
We store them in a gallon ziplock bag in the fridge (the second batch is currently in the freezer), and he just grabs one or two on his way out the door in the morning.
Do you have any go-to portable breakfast recipes?
Please share!
Banana PB Muffins
gluten free, can be nut free if you sub sunbutter - just be warned this butter turns baked goods green!
- 1 cup natural peanut butter
- 2 ripe bananas, mashed
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 3 eggs
- 4 twists on my sea salt grinder
- ¼ cup honey
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- ½ cup chocolate chips
- optional: nuts/oats for topping
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2) Mix eggs in a medium size bowl
3) Add remaining ingredients and use a hand mixer until your batter is smooth and uniform
4) Fold in your chocolate chips (and/or any other mix-in of choice- raisins, nuts, blueberries, etc)
5) Using a 1/4cup measuring spoon fill cupcake pan slots to 3/4 full (I foil cup lined mine for the first batch, paper for the second and they baked the same)
6) Bake for 15min
7) If you can poke the muffin with your finger and its sponge like, remove from oven and let cool in pan for 10-15min.
Yield: This recipe made us 16 muffins.
Yield: This recipe made us 16 muffins.
the original ingredients photo you will see sliced almonds, halfway
through making the batter my husband walked in an asked if I could
sprinkle them with oats instead, so there's your change!
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Smooth & uniform, no chunks. |
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Sprinkle on the oats (or nuts, etc.) |
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Golden and sponge-like to the touch. |
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Delicious! |
They are surprisingly fluffy without having any flour! I laughed when I cut open this muffin for the photo... of course I get one chock-full of chocolate... then some of them have only 1 chip! I also learned my lesson - wait until morning to take the final photo! I cut this one open after I had gotten baby in bed (past 10pm ) and thought "oh I'll just eat half" of course I ate the whole thing and was so uncomfortably full laying in bed reading my book!
We store them in a gallon ziplock bag in the fridge (the second batch is currently in the freezer), and he just grabs one or two on his way out the door in the morning.
Do you have any go-to portable breakfast recipes?
Please share!
Friday, August 7, 2015
Fit Friday! - Morning Stretch Flow.
Adrien from Freckled & Free is back with the second installment of Fit Friday! If you do the routine let us know in the comments. On Instagram? You can hashtag #daringdandelion #fitfriday and tag @thedaringdandelion.
Time to stretch!
Morning Stretch Flow
Stretching is a great way to wake up your body. Here are a few moves to get your day started right!
"My yoga, it doesn't matter if things aren't perfect.
My practice is my time to feel alive, loved, and free." - Unknown
While doing these poses remember to breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth, push deeper into the stretch as you breathe through it. I hope you enjoy this simple sequence!
Resting your bottom on top of your heels (or as close as you can get, my flexibility needs some work, haha!) with knees wide apart, reach your arms forward and lengthen through the fingers. Hold for 60sec.
Gazing upward, knees are lifted off the ground, with shoulders relaxed and rolled back from the ears. Hold for 60sec.
Roll your feet and push back from the previous pose - aim to get your heels as close to the ground as possible without sacrificing form. Remember to look at the inside of your elbow to keep your head in line with your spine. Hold for 60sec.
Stepping right foot forward with your left knee dropping to the ground, sinking into the hip flexor, stretch your arms above your head, then slightly back. Hold for 60sec.
Place your hand on both sides of your right foot, then step back into down dog. Hold for 60sec.
#6 Alternate Crescent Pose/Low Lunge
This time step your left foot forward, and drop your right knee to the ground again sinking into your hip flexor. Stretch your arms above your head, then slightly back. Hold for 60sec. *
Placing your hands on both sides of the left foot step your right foot forward to match your left. Cross your arms and hang folded forward, you can move slightly side-to-side if desired, Remember to relax your shoulders and neck. Hold for 60sec. When standing back up, roll slowly vertebrae by vertebrae taking your time.
*Repeat entire flow if desired.
Adrien is a Beach Body Coach, however all the moves listed are done at
your own risk. Please ensure that your baby can hold their head up on
their own before attempting any of these moves. Be sure to consult a
doctor before starting any exercise program. The Daring Dandelion along
with Freckled & Free assume no responsibility for injuries that may
occur while completing the moves utilized in this workout.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
World Breastfeeding Week.
Well, it's world breastfeeding week... I have EBF my son since day one, I
pumped for back-up supply & so daddy could be part of the feedings
once or twice a day, and we didn't even introduce solids until he was
already past 6mo old.
First latch, swollen and puffy in the recovery room after my c-section. |
Breastfeeding isn't "easy," it is physically and emotionally demanding even for someone who hasn't had any latch, supply, or duct issues. The first month Lanolin was my best friend and I had one tiny milk blister that a hot compress and my pump got out. Other than that... Smooth sailing for little guy and I.
Like I said though... It's physically & emotionally demanding! Why? Your baby relies on you 24/7 for everything. I honestly don't remember much from the first 2wks other than we camped on the couch during the day and I walked across the hall to his room to log miles in the glider all night long. Feedings were every 1-2hrs, but cluster feeds - oh man - those could be every 30-45min at night! Some days I couldn't remember if I had showered. Luckily I was hungry all the time so not eating or staying hydrated wasn't an issue for me.
Going places. Hmmm... All I have to say is make sure the back seat of your car is comfortable while breastfeeding! Lots of times even if I fed right before we left the house, I would have to feed him again when we arrived at our destination. In the beginning my husband wanted to bring bottles if we went out, eventually he realized it truly was easier just to give straight from the source. I think it just took him some time getting used to being comfortable with me feeding in public.
I have only pumped twice since he turned 6mo old, I really should build a stock back up, but I truly hate that thing. My insurance didn't cover a pump (it does now, so next baby I'm totally getting a nice hospital one!) so we got one of the Medela's which is nice and works but honestly the baby is so much more efficient and I hate sitting there "milking" myself! HUGE PROPS to all you career mommies that pump all day at work! That takes dedication for sure!
I NEVER wanted to breastfeed, I always said "my sister and I were formula fed and we both turned out just fine," seriously ask anyone who knows me well. Once I got pregnant and started taking classes I weighed pros/cons, and decided I would try it out in the hospital to see how it went... I ended up sticking with it but I have plenty of friends who's milk supply wasn't enough and had to supplement, those whose supply never came in, and those who straight up said "nope, formula it is!" All of which are perfectly fine in my book. If your baby is healthy, you're doing it right.
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Yesterday, 9.5mo old (his arm is about to smack me in the face!) |
A lot of people choose to breast feed because it's free. And while this is true in the monetary sense there are still "costs." It takes a lot of time, a lot of will, and being okay with giving of yourself completely. I mean my entire wardrobe has changed, while I still go for cute/comfortable most of the time I don't buy it if I can't figure out a way to breastfeed in it. That's kind of limiting. And time is a huge one, early on some days I felt like all I'd done was sit on my butt while my baby ate/slept then wanted to do it again... and again... (I feel the same now with growth spurts and teething days/nights).
Do you breastfeed? If so, any crazy stories?
Now it's more of a bonding time... Despite occasionally getting slapped,
scratched, or kicked (he's a big guy now at 21lbs) I like knowing
he needs me and that my body is still giving him nutrients that he needs!
Do you breastfeed? If so, any crazy stories?
Monday, August 3, 2015
The Friendship Waiting Game.
Sometimes I really dislike being "the new kid on the block." No, I didn't go back to school, but I did just move 4,900mi over the Pacific and entire U.S. Continent. In 6yrs this is my 5th state... 2009 was the craziest - living in California for 5mo, Arizona for 5mo, and ending up in Maryland for the last 2. We moved from Maryland to Hawaii in spring of 2011, and just arrived here in Virginia about 7wks ago.
I miss our "Hawaii Ohana" every day. We have a few friends we really clicked with in our short time from Maryland - but Hawaii brought us an extremely tight-knit group. To the point that if you were broken down on the other side of the island it would only take one text or call to have someone there to help! When a husband was deployed, the other husbands did car, yard, and maintenance work for the wife left behind. If you had a rough day, you could walk down the road and sit on your friend's couch while she chose a chick-flick, threw a bag of popcorn in the microwave, and poured you a glass of wine. We didn't knock if they knew we were coming, we walked in as if we belonged. We knew our way around each others kitchens and rotated dinner nights. We went on outings and vacations together. We celebrated holidays and big life events together. We had children together. We did life together. We weren't family by blood, but by choice.
My house still needs some things put up on the walls, but the majority of "moving in" is done. I will forever tweak things, make small changes, re-arrange, and by the time it's "just right" it will be time to move again. But that's a whole different story...
Today I want to write about loneliness. We have been in this house for a little over 1mo. I have met a couple of the neighbors but they are all older than us and I don't really see them being "buddies" with a younger couple and their 9mo old baby. My husband works odd hours (ranging from 8-14hr days) Mon-Fri with the occasional weekend shift. I do work from home (surprise!) but it's all online marketing items done mainly by e-mail and/or social media, if the phone is involved it generally isn't a good thing.
Which means... My main source of conversation is my son. Who only knows how to say "mama" "dada" "baba" and a bunch of gibberish that I can't translate. Of course I can call my family anytime, they love hearing from me and face-timing with their grandson/nephew, but that's not the same. They aren't here. They can't go see a movie with me, grab lunch, attend a workout class, etc.
I am married to a wonderful man and we eat dinner together and usually take the baby on an evening walk while we talk. But he needs time to decompress after work even though some days all I want to do is plop the baby in his lap and drive to the grocery store or Target with no shopping list, just to aimlessly wander.
My son amazes me everyday with his new discoveries and likes. Earlier this afternoon he pulled all the books out of his toy bin and was "reading" them instead of playing with all the shiny-loud-plastic things. It was adorable.
As I mentioned before, my family is truly only a phone call away, I love it.
BUT I crave face-to-face time, I want to know that someone I trust will take care of my son while my husband and I go on a much needed date (what are those?), I want a friend or two (really I'm not asking for a lot) that knows my likes-dislikes-fears-beliefs-etc and wants to be around me, and I them.
I miss our "Hawaii Ohana" every day. We have a few friends we really clicked with in our short time from Maryland - but Hawaii brought us an extremely tight-knit group. To the point that if you were broken down on the other side of the island it would only take one text or call to have someone there to help! When a husband was deployed, the other husbands did car, yard, and maintenance work for the wife left behind. If you had a rough day, you could walk down the road and sit on your friend's couch while she chose a chick-flick, threw a bag of popcorn in the microwave, and poured you a glass of wine. We didn't knock if they knew we were coming, we walked in as if we belonged. We knew our way around each others kitchens and rotated dinner nights. We went on outings and vacations together. We celebrated holidays and big life events together. We had children together. We did life together. We weren't family by blood, but by choice.
I want that here. I need it. I am sick of being lonely.
Here it's a bit different... We don't live on base. We don't have a family readiness group. The unit is so small and specialized some people don't even know they exist.
So military items aside - Our neighborhood doesn't have a community center. I was amazed at how expensive the YMCA memberships are. MyGym/Gymboree for kids is WAY more expensive than a gym membership would be for myself. And we have tried so many churches but none of them have "felt like home." Some people don't understand that, but it's how we know it's the right place for us. Especially since those tight-knit people I was talking about from Hawaii... 75% of them we met through our church.
I am still getting used to my surroundings and the roads. But I am hoping to try out a free mommy & me class at the gym. Maybe do a story time event at a library (although my guy is still kind of little to understand). I'm trying to find a local MOPS group to join. I would love to take a class at Michael's or even the community college just for fun, but it would have to be evening/weekend and my husband isn't always guaranteed to be home. And before you say "hire a sitter" we refuse to let anyone watch our baby that we don't know personally, too many crazies out there. That's just the way it is for us.
I know friends will happen. They did in California, Maryland, and Hawaii... It's just a waiting game and I'm getting impatient.
Have you moved recently? Do you move often? What are your tips for making good quality friendships in a new completely unfamiliar place?
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