When you fall asleep at 8pm... before your 2yr old... you know that it was an amazing holiday weekend spent with dear friends who at this point are basically family, especially when said toddler calls them uncle and auntie.
Unfortunately, it's 1am and I am now wide awake while hubby and toddler are sleeping peacefully. After traveling and spending time with people I love I always seem to get into a "slump," and right now I can't shake the thought that I should be doing so much more with my life - I just wish I knew what that was.
I am a Christian, daughter, grand daughter, sister, wife, daughter-in-law, "auntie," mother, friend, university graduate, yet I still feel that longing for "a place to belong." I have always wanted to work somewhere that allowed me to impact others lives positively, I just don't know how or in what capacity that is at the moment...
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
We Are America
If you are grieving today, I grieve with you.
If you are celebrating today, I celebrate with you.
If you are celebrating today, I celebrate with you.
What I will NOT do:
- Bash you for your choices
- Ridicule your point of view
- Question your beliefs
- Belittle you
- Gloat
So, I beg of you all. Please do the same. The world is not ending and the President is not a supreme being. Stop threatening to leave America (unless you actually have the funds and ability to do so, I wish you luck on that endeavor), instead choose today to be a light in a world of darkness - choose to play an active role in things you are passionate about. Whether that means volunteering, writing letters, etc. But most of all - be compassionate. People are people, no matter their political affiliation, race, religion, or sex. Be a good neighbor, an inspiring coach, an involved classroom mom, etc.
Not the president...
E Pluribus Unam.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Lakeside Contemplation.
Tonight's lakeside contemplation...
I love the diversity of backgrounds my friends come from, but right now I am so tired of my Facebook feed basically being article after article of mudslinging. If we all stopped focusing on three people, whom will most likely never even know our names much less what our lives are like - how we make a living, who our friends are, what our goals and dreams are, where we go to church, where our favorite local burger joint is, which beach we end up on to clear our minds, etc. and simply focused on each other I truly think we'd be better off! Be a great family member, neighbor, volunteer, write your senator/congressman, help invoke policies that directly relate to what you dream and desire to see changed! Clinton, Trump, and Johnson aren't going to be there for you when times get tough in your personal life - don't push away those that will.
Saturday, October 1, 2016
10,978 days.
A HUGE part of me wants to freak out, say this can't be true, where did my twenties go, how am I this old, what have I truly accomplished in my life, and on and on... But, as I look back - I have lived an amazing life. One that others may look at and wish they had. One life. My life.
I didn't grow up with the "best" of everything, but I did grow up with everything I needed (and more). We had a nice house, our own rooms, and plenty of food in the fridge. One set of grandparents lived 10min away and we stayed with them often when we were younger. I had clothes, shoes, and sports gear even if it was second hand it all served its purpose and saved my parents money that was used for our sports fees and annual family trips. It also taught me the value of the dollar, thrift stores, a good sale, and savings! I'm sure my mom will point out we didn't always see eye to eye, but what teenager does especially when all the "cool" kids are dressing in name brands, etc.
We didn't have a pool but who needs one when all the neighbor's do and your family has a boat (and a timeshare to Lake Havasu)! Growing up in the desert lead to outdoor hiking adventures and fun on quads/dirt bikes both of which my dad bought for my sister and I after much research and finding them used at a great price via the classified ads (you know, those things prior to Craigslist!)
I didn't get a brand spankin' new car for my 16th birthday like 75% of my high school class, but I did learn to drive manual, change my oil, fix a flat, check my fluids, and watch my tire pressure... All things hardly anyone then much less now knows how to do! Thanks mom and dad. Not to mention my 4x4 1988 Pathfinder was a pretty awesome little beast.
I don't remember much about school other than I never felt like I fit in very well from Kindergarten all the way until my sophomore year of college... But I do remember my parents supporting, pushing, and tutoring me in everything I went for... From the 5th grade ELP exams, to dual credit high school courses, and SAT studies. Through all the homework tears they never gave up on me and I was the first one in our family to receive a full-ride tuition scholarship followed by a bachelor's degree (my awesome sister got the masters!).
Sports came and went ...didn't like gymnastics, didn't like figure skating, but I wasn't allowed to give up without completing the session, teaching me to follow through with things. I fell into soccer and my parents spent years driving us all over the southwest for weekend tournaments. The same for roller hockey, but they took it a step further being our coaches for a number of seasons and sticking up for us as the only girls playing.
Before I could even walk I went to Hawaii, who knew I would move there 24yrs later? I have lived in Arizona, California, Maryland, Hawaii, and Virginia. I have visited: Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Washington (I didn't include drive-thru or lay-over states: Illinois, Indiana, Oklahoma, West Virginia).
I've also traveled to Mexico (Puerto Penasco, Cabo San Lucas, San Luis, Costa Maya, Cozumel), Canada (Victoria, BC), Belize (Belize City), and studied abroad in New Zealand (Auckland, Rotorua, Tauranga) and Australia (Sydney, Canberra, Cairns, Brisbane). We also went to "the happiest place on earth" often when we were younger because my other grandparents lived just a few miles away in Garden Grove, CA (spoiled!).
I met my husband at 20yrs old and we got married when I was 23. Since then we've lived in 3 states and 4 homes, had 3 guinea pigs, 4 cars total (2 currently still), I've had 3 jobs, attended 3 churches, and most importantly we welcomed our son into he world! It seems surreal that this coming month we will celebrate 7yrs of marriage.
My life hasn't been "a complete fairytale"... I've dealt with minor things like hurt feelings, loneliness, and heartbreak ...to major things like my dad's cancer diagnosis/treatments, anxiety/panic attacks, losing a set of grandparents, being ostracized by extended family, and having what I thought were good friends fall to the wayside or leave me behind completely. We continually move to places where I know no one and despite my degree I don't have a career or even a job to speak of at the moment. I've lost childhood friends to war and PTSD, seen friends lose their parents/siblings, some go through terrible separations/divorce, witnessed others battle over custody of children, and one of the worst things ever - seeing dear friends watch their babies fight to live only to have some pass away.
All that being said there has been plenty of good! Weddings, babies being born, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, fun trips, spontaneous adventures, surprises, girls nights, gaining lifelong friends, deepening my relationship with Christ, and so many tiny everyday "happy moments" I've lost track of!
God blessed me with entering this world in 1986 and 30yrs later I am still here. A little more confident, wiser, yet rough around the edges. A good friend posted this: "Do not regret growing older, it is a privilege denied to many."
Here's to no regrets - only learning from mistakes, loving those I hold dear, and continually living life to the fullest!
I didn't grow up with the "best" of everything, but I did grow up with everything I needed (and more). We had a nice house, our own rooms, and plenty of food in the fridge. One set of grandparents lived 10min away and we stayed with them often when we were younger. I had clothes, shoes, and sports gear even if it was second hand it all served its purpose and saved my parents money that was used for our sports fees and annual family trips. It also taught me the value of the dollar, thrift stores, a good sale, and savings! I'm sure my mom will point out we didn't always see eye to eye, but what teenager does especially when all the "cool" kids are dressing in name brands, etc.
We didn't have a pool but who needs one when all the neighbor's do and your family has a boat (and a timeshare to Lake Havasu)! Growing up in the desert lead to outdoor hiking adventures and fun on quads/dirt bikes both of which my dad bought for my sister and I after much research and finding them used at a great price via the classified ads (you know, those things prior to Craigslist!)
I didn't get a brand spankin' new car for my 16th birthday like 75% of my high school class, but I did learn to drive manual, change my oil, fix a flat, check my fluids, and watch my tire pressure... All things hardly anyone then much less now knows how to do! Thanks mom and dad. Not to mention my 4x4 1988 Pathfinder was a pretty awesome little beast.
I don't remember much about school other than I never felt like I fit in very well from Kindergarten all the way until my sophomore year of college... But I do remember my parents supporting, pushing, and tutoring me in everything I went for... From the 5th grade ELP exams, to dual credit high school courses, and SAT studies. Through all the homework tears they never gave up on me and I was the first one in our family to receive a full-ride tuition scholarship followed by a bachelor's degree (my awesome sister got the masters!).
Sports came and went ...didn't like gymnastics, didn't like figure skating, but I wasn't allowed to give up without completing the session, teaching me to follow through with things. I fell into soccer and my parents spent years driving us all over the southwest for weekend tournaments. The same for roller hockey, but they took it a step further being our coaches for a number of seasons and sticking up for us as the only girls playing.
Before I could even walk I went to Hawaii, who knew I would move there 24yrs later? I have lived in Arizona, California, Maryland, Hawaii, and Virginia. I have visited: Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Washington (I didn't include drive-thru or lay-over states: Illinois, Indiana, Oklahoma, West Virginia).
I've also traveled to Mexico (Puerto Penasco, Cabo San Lucas, San Luis, Costa Maya, Cozumel), Canada (Victoria, BC), Belize (Belize City), and studied abroad in New Zealand (Auckland, Rotorua, Tauranga) and Australia (Sydney, Canberra, Cairns, Brisbane). We also went to "the happiest place on earth" often when we were younger because my other grandparents lived just a few miles away in Garden Grove, CA (spoiled!).
I met my husband at 20yrs old and we got married when I was 23. Since then we've lived in 3 states and 4 homes, had 3 guinea pigs, 4 cars total (2 currently still), I've had 3 jobs, attended 3 churches, and most importantly we welcomed our son into he world! It seems surreal that this coming month we will celebrate 7yrs of marriage.
My life hasn't been "a complete fairytale"... I've dealt with minor things like hurt feelings, loneliness, and heartbreak ...to major things like my dad's cancer diagnosis/treatments, anxiety/panic attacks, losing a set of grandparents, being ostracized by extended family, and having what I thought were good friends fall to the wayside or leave me behind completely. We continually move to places where I know no one and despite my degree I don't have a career or even a job to speak of at the moment. I've lost childhood friends to war and PTSD, seen friends lose their parents/siblings, some go through terrible separations/divorce, witnessed others battle over custody of children, and one of the worst things ever - seeing dear friends watch their babies fight to live only to have some pass away.
All that being said there has been plenty of good! Weddings, babies being born, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, fun trips, spontaneous adventures, surprises, girls nights, gaining lifelong friends, deepening my relationship with Christ, and so many tiny everyday "happy moments" I've lost track of!
God blessed me with entering this world in 1986 and 30yrs later I am still here. A little more confident, wiser, yet rough around the edges. A good friend posted this: "Do not regret growing older, it is a privilege denied to many."
Here's to no regrets - only learning from mistakes, loving those I hold dear, and continually living life to the fullest!
Friday, September 23, 2016
I’m Done.
I'm done with y'all. D-O-N-E. Black, brown, white.
I love you - all of you.
Please stop fighting.
Stop killing.
Stop rioting.
Just stop.
I love you - all of you.
Please stop fighting.
Stop killing.
Stop rioting.
Just stop.
Injustice and racism is, sadly, real and prevalent. I am not trying to say otherwise. What I am saying is the more we fight, argue, spit venomous words, beat each other up, burn down our cities, and in extreme cases kill all we are doing is making the line drawn in the sand become a trench, deeper and deeper it goes.
Once we hit the bottom, then what? The winner is the one who claws their way to the top? Dog eat dog? There's no true victory in that situation.
Let's talk - peacefully - about the issues. Protest all you want without rioting. They are two different things... the definition of protesting is to "express an objection to what someone has said or done" while a riot is "a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd."
Is there an easy answer? An easy fix? No, there is not. But anything worth fixing takes time and effort. The first thing we need to start doing - love one another. Then listen to each other. Finally work towards a solution. TOGETHER.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
15yrs Later.
15 years ago I was eating breakfast with my mom when the towers were struck, I still went to school that day, but all we really did each period was watch the news in utter disbelief.
15 years ago I was a freshman in high school, the vast majority of this year's freshman class will learn about the events of September 11th as actual HISTORY. As in, they weren't born yet when this historic day took place.
15 years of an empty place at the dinner table and a hole in the hearts of people who lost a loved one that day.
15 years and the war is still going on.
15 years worth of deployments and some brave men and women only returning to their families in caskets draped by a flag. The American Flag.
15 years ago our country stood united...
15 years later - I feel as though we are more divided than ever.
For today, can we please stand as "One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." That is my prayer.
15 years ago I was a freshman in high school, the vast majority of this year's freshman class will learn about the events of September 11th as actual HISTORY. As in, they weren't born yet when this historic day took place.
15 years of an empty place at the dinner table and a hole in the hearts of people who lost a loved one that day.
15 years and the war is still going on.
15 years worth of deployments and some brave men and women only returning to their families in caskets draped by a flag. The American Flag.
15 years ago our country stood united...
15 years later - I feel as though we are more divided than ever.
For today, can we please stand as "One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." That is my prayer.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Social Media is a Can of Worms.
I have always hated the media, but I think I'm starting to hate the Internet/social media even more...
The media has always been "compromised," they are either on the right or the left or are getting paid off by someone. That's just how it is. Feel good stories are far and few ...scandal, death, etc. are what keep people on their channel, reading their paper or website.
But the internet, social media especially, is a can of worms. Before websites, chat rooms, instant messaging, MySpace, Facebook (oh, Facebook), people had to spread their conspiracy theories and hatred (be it racist, sexist, etc.) through word of mouth or print. Now anyone, anyone can be a "keyboard warrior" and have their words read within a matter of minutes, seconds even.
I love the social media for keeping me connected with family since we live so far away, but other than that it just frustrates me. Lies are perpetuated. Hate is re-posted at lightning speed. Everyone has something negative to say about some "other group," some "policy," some "outrageous" act.
I could link a few to help explain but since you're reading this I'm sure you aren't blind to other posts... and I don't want to feed the beast.
I know it's not feasible for us to all get along, but I'm really starting to think that our country is in for some serious trouble in the upcoming years. I feel like we're moving backwards despite everyone saying we're making forward progress in our thinking and policies.
- The law is failing us.
- The people are divided.
- Political correctness is becoming ridiculous.
- People are trying to erase history instead of learning from it.
- What we stand for is being tested and re-imagined.
- Conspiracies are coursing throughout the veins of many in this country eating into the hearts of other citizens.
- Everyone is offended by something and now feels the right to call foul on it all.
Monday, May 2, 2016
"Oil Slick Hair" - Manic Panic Hair Dye Review
If you are on any form of social media these days I'm sure you've seen "oil slick" or "mermaid" hair... if not, open a new tab and do a quick google search. Alright, now that we're on the same page, awhile back I decided I wanted to do a hidden oil slick because I wasn't brave enough to do my entire head! My sister had recently dyed her entire head in an ombre purple but she had to strip and bleach her hair first. I wasn't cool with that and I didn't want to use a permanent dye either, I like the kind that gradually washes out over time... so the research began, I ended up deciding on Manic Panic Dyes.
These dyes are vegan friendly (which I didn't even know was a concern with hair dyes, but there you go!) and semi-permanent. We had a trip planned to visit my family so I asked my sister if she could pick-up these colors from Sally's Beauty and some supplies in preparation for my arrival.
One Sunday afternoon we set-up shop in my parents back yard and she went at it... She separated my hair into sections then applied the colors randomly (completely in no particular order like the rainbow you see in an actual oil slick), then she rolled it in foil, and moved onto the next section.
The end result was so vibrate and amazing looking!
I wanted to see how long the colors lasted, so my plan was to take a weekly update photo. I missed a couple weeks but you can see that the vibrancy started to fade after a bit. My hair really held onto the red (which actually doesn't surprise me since I naturally have strawberry blonde hair in the summer time). I'm currently 8 weeks post-dye and I still have some red streaks throughout.
So for my hair, with no bleaching or stripping:
The only down side to these dyes that I found was the transfer when my hair was wet. I purposely put an old pillow case on my nightly pillow. I had red and purple streaks on it. I will confess that I am guilty of putting my hair in a top knot while wet from the shower and just going to bed. I also used an old beach towel for my hair when getting out of the shower, it also showed red and purple streaks... I think my hair may have held the colors longer because I only wash it between 4-5 days and use dry shampoo in between, but I can't vouch for that.
Anyway, if you're looking for a fun twist on hair, I do recommend Manic Panic Dyes! Maybe just dry your hair before going to bed unlike me ;)
Have you ever done anything crazy with hair color?
Let me know in the comments!
*I was NOT compensated by Manic Panic - I just wanted to share my personal experience and pass it on to ya'll!
These dyes are vegan friendly (which I didn't even know was a concern with hair dyes, but there you go!) and semi-permanent. We had a trip planned to visit my family so I asked my sister if she could pick-up these colors from Sally's Beauty and some supplies in preparation for my arrival.
One Sunday afternoon we set-up shop in my parents back yard and she went at it... She separated my hair into sections then applied the colors randomly (completely in no particular order like the rainbow you see in an actual oil slick), then she rolled it in foil, and moved onto the next section.
The end result was so vibrate and amazing looking!
I wanted to see how long the colors lasted, so my plan was to take a weekly update photo. I missed a couple weeks but you can see that the vibrancy started to fade after a bit. My hair really held onto the red (which actually doesn't surprise me since I naturally have strawberry blonde hair in the summer time). I'm currently 8 weeks post-dye and I still have some red streaks throughout.
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1 Week -- 2 Weeks -- 3.5 Weeks -- 6 Weeks |
- Purple Haze - washed out within the first week
- VoodDoo Blue - actually looked teal in my hair (which I liked!) but was basically gone by 3.5wks
- Infra Red - Still going... I like it!
The only down side to these dyes that I found was the transfer when my hair was wet. I purposely put an old pillow case on my nightly pillow. I had red and purple streaks on it. I will confess that I am guilty of putting my hair in a top knot while wet from the shower and just going to bed. I also used an old beach towel for my hair when getting out of the shower, it also showed red and purple streaks... I think my hair may have held the colors longer because I only wash it between 4-5 days and use dry shampoo in between, but I can't vouch for that.
Anyway, if you're looking for a fun twist on hair, I do recommend Manic Panic Dyes! Maybe just dry your hair before going to bed unlike me ;)
Have you ever done anything crazy with hair color?
Let me know in the comments!
*I was NOT compensated by Manic Panic - I just wanted to share my personal experience and pass it on to ya'll!
Friday, March 25, 2016
Good Friday +Recipe ("Crack"er Toffee)
Last weekend we drove up to Fredericksburg, VA to meet with friends living in Maryland as well as friends from Portland that flew in to spend a week with the Maryland friends, followed by a week with us. It was so much fun getting together again - it had been 2yrs since we had all lived in the same place (Hawaii) and we have added 3 more kids to the group! Easter will be our first major holiday here in Virginia that we don't have travel plans or family coming to town for. It made me a bit sad thinking about our time in Hawaii because we were such a close knit group always making sure everyone was included in holiday potlucks, etc. considering we were all thousands of miles away from family in the middle of the Pacific Ocean...
Anyway, today is Good Friday and for us that means remembering the sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ. We may not be truly settled into a church or have that amazing group of Friends, but the knowledge of what Jesus did for us on that Cross is enough! Christ gave it all so we may have it all in heaven. It's Friday, but Sunday is coming!
I recently made some Cracker Toffee also known as "Dessert Crack" (bad name, I know!) since once you have a piece you won't want to stop eating it, it's SO addicting! This particular batch was Easter/spring themed, but I've made it for Christmas and I'm pretty sure you could make it for absolutely any occasion by changing the type of chocolate and toppings. If you're still looking for a dessert to bring to your Easter potluck, this is quick and simple!
"Crack"er Toffee
2) Line a baking pan (mine is 17.25x11.5x1in) with foil and grease
3) Arrange saltines on pan
4) Place butter and brown sugar in a small sauce pan over medium heat
5) Once the butter melts completely, bring to a boil and stir constantly for 2min until nice and bubbly
6) Pour mixture onto the saltines, spread it quickly with a spoon/spatula
7) Place in oven for 8min
8) Remove from oven and immediately sprinkle the chocolate chips on top
9) Allow chips to sit for a minute then spread them evenly over the toffee layer
10) Sprinkle M&Ms
11) Sit on counter until cool (you can pop in the freezer for 10min but I don't recommend more unless you plan to store these in the fridge because the chocolate will sweat/melt)
12) Once completely cool and set, peel off foil and break into chunks
13) Will keep in an airtight container on the counter for 1wk (2wks in the fridge), but I doubt it will last that long!
Anyway, today is Good Friday and for us that means remembering the sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ. We may not be truly settled into a church or have that amazing group of Friends, but the knowledge of what Jesus did for us on that Cross is enough! Christ gave it all so we may have it all in heaven. It's Friday, but Sunday is coming!
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Photo credit: Verses Project |
I recently made some Cracker Toffee also known as "Dessert Crack" (bad name, I know!) since once you have a piece you won't want to stop eating it, it's SO addicting! This particular batch was Easter/spring themed, but I've made it for Christmas and I'm pretty sure you could make it for absolutely any occasion by changing the type of chocolate and toppings. If you're still looking for a dessert to bring to your Easter potluck, this is quick and simple!
"Crack"er Toffee
- Approx 50 Saltine Crackers
- 1 cup butter (2 sticks)
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- 2 cups dark chocolate chips (or any type of chocolate you prefer)
- M&Ms for topping (I've used slivered almonds as well)
2) Line a baking pan (mine is 17.25x11.5x1in) with foil and grease
3) Arrange saltines on pan
4) Place butter and brown sugar in a small sauce pan over medium heat
5) Once the butter melts completely, bring to a boil and stir constantly for 2min until nice and bubbly
6) Pour mixture onto the saltines, spread it quickly with a spoon/spatula
7) Place in oven for 8min
8) Remove from oven and immediately sprinkle the chocolate chips on top
9) Allow chips to sit for a minute then spread them evenly over the toffee layer
10) Sprinkle M&Ms
11) Sit on counter until cool (you can pop in the freezer for 10min but I don't recommend more unless you plan to store these in the fridge because the chocolate will sweat/melt)
12) Once completely cool and set, peel off foil and break into chunks
13) Will keep in an airtight container on the counter for 1wk (2wks in the fridge), but I doubt it will last that long!
Thursday, March 24, 2016
For those of you who have never left home (I'm talking more than those 4yrs of college or moving a town away) I don't really know how to explain this accurately but I will do my best.
Moving somewhere completely new changes you in ways you can never understand. Moving to an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean thousands of miles away from anyone you know adds a whole new element. My time in Maryland was short all of 16mo, we did find a church and a group of friends to "do life" with, most of which we keep in touch with today. But Hawaii is where our life really became "our own."
Within 3 months of moving there I started having debilitating panic attacks - to the point of throwing up, jolting awake, and having to go to the ER twice within 2wks. We were desperate for answers, desperate for a place to call home (been in an hotel room for 60 days and ended up in a temporary apartment for 3mo before renting our home on base), and desperate for a place to fit in.
We tried a few churches, but once we walked into Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay (now Anchor Church) we knew we were "home." I started attending a women's study and we planned to join a married group once my husband returned from his upcoming deployment. The women in my small group got me through my anxiety issues, supported me during the deployment, and some became very close friends that I talk to daily/weekly even now!
Once my husband returned we jumped into a young married's group and the rest is history... Weekend get togethers, impromptu dinner nights, beach & boat trips, hikes, holiday parties & potlucks, rallying around those who moved/were sick/had kids/etc. These people were our Ohana, we knew if we needed something all we had to do was call. Even if our car broke down on the other side of the island, someone would show up! Thousands of miles away from home and we still had that safety net. There's just something about that island. That life. That time. I will never forget those moments or people.
I need to find that here.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Fit Friday! - Leg Day Challenge
It's been a long week... on Tuesday Little Man and I had an 11.5hr travel day. 3 flights, 2 huge storms, rude people, not feeling well, etc. So the past two days were pretty much "recovery." I also got busy this morning and lost track of time, missing the Stroller Aerobics class at the gym, good thing I opened up my e-mail and this little baby was inside!
As always, if you use Instagram don't forget to tag
@thedaringdanedlion @active_freckals and this month #legdaychallenge
Bringing back the Alphabet Challenge but this time we will be focusing on your bottom half. So spell out your full name with the alphabet below and GET TO WORK!
Remember you can break up the final total through out the day to make it more manageable. Don’t forget to take pictures then tag us @thedaringdandelion and @active_freckals to let us know you are following along!

Fit Friday,
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Reaching Out
I hate being the "new girl" but inevitably I am every few years. New
state, new city, new base, new roads, sometimes a new
language, and always... always... new faces.
Before we got married, I remember packing - well
cramming - everything I owned into my Mazda 3 and making the grueling
drive across the country with my dad. It was great for us, we bonded,
stayed in crappy hotels, saw amazing things, and even went up inside
the St. Louis Arch. The trip didn't change me, the day my dad left did.
I was alone... my soon-to-be husband was at work, and I wasn't in
Arizona anymore!
We flew back to get married but afterwards it was the same old story. Lucky enough for me one of my husband's friends and co-workers had a great wife! She invited me over, we went out to lunch, she let me get us completely lost then pointed me in the right direction, she went to the commissary with me for the first time, and we bonded really well. Later they threw a BBQ and there I was introduced to a bunch of the other Marine wives... now everyone didn't welcome me with "open arms" to say, but eventually I became good friends with most of them, which is quite a feat with a group of women, can I get an "amen?" Haha!
About 5mo into my time in Maryland a new wife from my husband's company arrived, she actually moved in one street away from me. I went over to say hello and from there I became the girl who invited her over, took her out to lunch, etc. She was also pregnant and when I found out she hadn't had a baby shower... that just wouldn't do, so I opened my home, planned the whole thing, and threw her a shower.
The majority of us have now left Maryland... Some (like myself) have already PCS'd again! We are now in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Texas, and Virginia... but we'll never forget each other and the things that were done for us. From my second duty station I have friends back in Maryland, New York, California, North Carolina, Florida, Oregon, Colorado, Hawaii, Germany, Japan, and England (probably a few more I'm forgetting)!
We flew back to get married but afterwards it was the same old story. Lucky enough for me one of my husband's friends and co-workers had a great wife! She invited me over, we went out to lunch, she let me get us completely lost then pointed me in the right direction, she went to the commissary with me for the first time, and we bonded really well. Later they threw a BBQ and there I was introduced to a bunch of the other Marine wives... now everyone didn't welcome me with "open arms" to say, but eventually I became good friends with most of them, which is quite a feat with a group of women, can I get an "amen?" Haha!
About 5mo into my time in Maryland a new wife from my husband's company arrived, she actually moved in one street away from me. I went over to say hello and from there I became the girl who invited her over, took her out to lunch, etc. She was also pregnant and when I found out she hadn't had a baby shower... that just wouldn't do, so I opened my home, planned the whole thing, and threw her a shower.
The majority of us have now left Maryland... Some (like myself) have already PCS'd again! We are now in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Texas, and Virginia... but we'll never forget each other and the things that were done for us. From my second duty station I have friends back in Maryland, New York, California, North Carolina, Florida, Oregon, Colorado, Hawaii, Germany, Japan, and England (probably a few more I'm forgetting)!
tell you all of this to say- reach out! Don't let the "new girl" mope
around in her house, be alone, and have to learn everything all by
herself. Honestly, who wants or should have to do that?
Obviously you won't stay in touch with everyone you meet. My super close friends are actually from our time in Hawaii rather than Maryland... but I am so thankful for my learning experience there. So please reach out, because who knows, your
next best friend or deployment sister could be waiting!
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Almond-Coconut Cookies.
Cookies are so much fun to bake and my little man loves to help mix, clean the beaters, and watch them in the oven. These cookies are great since they are vegan and he can safely eat the batter, gluten free, and refined sugar free!
Besides my peanut butter cookies these are becoming a staple in our house and are in their way there in our friends homes as well!
Almond-Coconut Cookies
Gluten free, vegan
* ¾ cup almond flour, firmly packed
* ¼ cup coconut flour, firmly packed
* 1 heaping teaspoon baking soda
* ½ teaspoon sea salt
* Dash cinnamon
* ½ cup coconut oil, melted
* ¼ cup maple syrup
* ¼ cup honey
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1 cup dark chocolate chips/chunks
1. Mix together almond and coconut flours with the baking soda, salt and cinnamon.
2. Pour in the melted coconut oil, maple syrup, honey, and vanilla extract
3. Stir in the chocolate chunks
4. Preheat oven to 350*
5. Place dough in freezer for 10-15min (I mix my dough in the kitchen aid so I just place the whole bowl in the freezer)
6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
7. Roll dough into 1in balls and place 1.5in apart from each other
8. Bake for 12min
9. When you remove them from the oven leave on the baking sheet for 5min then carefully slide parchment paper onto a cooling rack - the cookies are fragile but completely firm up once cooled (however they are delicious and ooey-gooey out of the oven!)
10. Store in an airtight container in the counter for up to 1wk
Yield 24-36 cookies depending on how evenly you roll the cookies.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Thrifty Trends - Sprucing Up Your Laundry Room
This post is so refreshing considering this is what I deal with on the daily...
We're renting and the laundry is located below the stairs, across from the half-bath (which I actually stood in for the photos since the hallway is only wide enough for the bathroom door to swing open!). Aubrey even caught me on laundry day- so real life photo post of my laundry mess! My favorite thing about my laundry
If you complete a project inspired by her post let us know in the comments, if you use Instagram you can also hashtag #thedaringdandelion #freshlybrewedhome #thriftytrends and tag @thedaringdandelion @aubreylouiseb
After you check out this inspiration post, make sure to pop on over to Aubrey's website [A Freshly Brewed Home] for more tips, tricks, and ideas!
Let's be honest, doing laundry is hardly anyone's favorite thing to do... but everyone has to do it so we might as well make it a pretty space! If you're like me, you hate spending a lot of money on decor especially for something that is to fit a specific space when you know you'll be moving in the future. But that doesn't mean you don't have to do anything to a room...small details likes rugs and wall art make a huge difference! Invest in pieces that you know can work in other spaces so that you can play Tetris with all your decor when you move.
Now I know not everyone has a laundry room with a sink or cabinets or room for large bins (heck, mine is literally a closet with bi-fold doors and a stack of builder grade shelves) but you can still make your room (or closet) a space that functions well. Here are a few thrifty tips on how to get a functional and beautiful laundry room.
- Find a mailbox like this one here for $12.95 to put lint and small trash in (or just use a small basket)
- Free printable from Pinterest put into a frame
- Another free printable from Pinterest
- Get two hooks from Lowes at $3.97 each, mount them on a scrap piece of wood to create a cool ironing board holder that hangs on the wall
- Install a towel bar (cheaper than a curtain rod) like this one underneath a cabinet or just on the wall for a place to hang clothes
- You can get glass jars like this at Walmart for $5.89 or you can find similar ones to mix and match at thrift stores (usually for just a buck or so). When you store things like laundry detergent, clothespins or oxi clean in them, it automatically makes them look fancier!
- Use storage baskets like this for $12.99 at H&M and this for $15 at Target for storing towels, missing socks or just keeping your dryer sheets and Tide to-go sticks out of sight
- Cover a sink front with a homemade fabric curtain to hide buckets and other utility items. I liked this particular fabric which is $8.99 for a 5'x5' piece at IKEA. Or visit your local craft store and raid the clearance bin for cute fabric. Buy some iron-on hemming tape (typically a buck or two) for a no-sew hack.
- Use a storage bin or two to sort laundry
- Don't forget to add a rug like this one from Wayfair for $45. A sturdy indoor/outdoor one would probably be best in a utility space but if standing on a fluffy rug would make doing laundry feel fancier, then get one!
I also love how she chose to store her ironing board...brilliant! And her chandelier is great. Most people I know that rent, can't change their lighting...but if you can, please do! It makes such a difference. Find an old chandelier at your ReStore and spray paint it. Tracy added beads to hers and I love that detail.
I know everyone has different taste and styles so here are a few more inspiration photos of beautiful and functional laundry rooms. They don't need to be anything fancy, I promise!
There are a few things these spaces have in common...rugs, shelving, a space to fold clothes and a rack to hang items after they're washed. Add in some meaningful or funny artwork, some storage baskets and containers and your laundry room can turn from boring to beautiful! You don't have to spend a fortune to make your space more fun...go "shopping" in your own home and go explore your local thrift stores. Find some fun pieces and you'd be surprised how much of a difference a rug, some artwork and glass containers can make!
Happy Decorating,
You can find me here:
(where I post inspiration photos daily)
Thrifty Trends
Monday, February 15, 2016
Fit Friday! - Stroller Leg Workout
Thanks to a nasty stomach virus Friday was pretty much a blur... and I completely missed posting this (last) week's Fit Friday, I sincerely apologize (especially to Adrien!), but I promise it's still great! So... since today is a day off from work for many, if you can get outside or to an indoor track if it's raining/snowing like it is for me, this is going to be a fun workout for mom (or dad) and baby/toddler!
As always, if you use Instagram don't forget to tag
@thedaringdanedlion @active_freckals and this month #strollerlegworkout
Like many families out there, ours is a one-car family, and we simply cannot afford for me to have gym membership. So workouts have to either be quiet enough to happen during baby girls naps or they have to be baby friendly. Not to mention my husband and I also really missed being able to run with each other. So after much research and asking my fellow mom friends their thoughts on different types we decided to invest in a jogging stroller.
Best decision ever. I get to go running at least 2 times a week (more when we all go) and my daughter gets to see her parents stay healthy and active. Plus she loves being outside so she really enjoys the rides.
Freckled & Free |
Below is a short stroller workout you can add to your walk or jog.
Take pictures of you working out with your little loves and tag us on Instagram
@active_freckals and @thedaringdandelion
Disclaimer: Adrien is a Beach Body Coach, however all the moves listed are done at your own risk. Please ensure that your baby can hold their head up on their own before attempting any of these moves. Be sure to consult a doctor before starting any exercise program. The Daring Dandelion along with Freckled & Free assume no responsibility for injuries that may occur while completing the moves utilized in this workout.
Fit Friday,
Saturday, February 13, 2016
No-Bake Peanut Butter Hearts

Reese's are like my favorite "candy bars," with PayDay's in a close second... But I also want cleaner ingredients so I found Detoxinista's recipe and used some IKEA silicone ice molds for a spin. You may have all the ingredients in your pantry right now (the only truly "unique" ingredient is coconut flour)! I just made these for my family and neighbors to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Peanut Butter Hearts (or balls/any other mold you have):
Gluten free, vegan
1/2 cup natural peanut butter, I used chunky because I don't mind the crunch
2 Tbsp pure maple syrup
1 Tbsp coconut flour
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
1/2 tsp coconut oil
Melt the dark chocolate chips and coconut oil together, if you are using molds put a layer in the bottom.
Combine peanut butter, maple syrup, and coconut flour together, you can roll into balls/shape hearts and place on waxed paper. Use a fork to dip the balls into chocolate (or just drizzle over the top - you may need more chocolate to completely cover them).
If you did use molds, place the peanut butter mixture on top of the chocolate.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
DIY Watercolor Prints
I'm going to come out and say it... Pinterest has made motherhood ridiculous.
Okay, now that that's off my shoulders I have an EASY toddler friendly craft for you. Just be smart and buy washable water colors and know that there will be paint on the baby, the floor, and possibly the wall next to the stairs (I still can't figure that one out, he's a magician I guess).
Here's what you need:
- Cardstock Paper (I actually used thick sketch paper)
- A white crayon
- Washable water color paints
- Thick paint brushes for little hands
Optional: newspaper in attempt to contain the mess!
1) Draw your designs on the paper, make sure you have GOOD lighting, especially if you want to go over the same area a couple times to thicken up the design. I did this the night before after I put my son to bed.
2) Set-up your paint station.
3) Wet brush, and dip in paint.
4) Show toddler how to paint the paper.
5) Randomly trade out brushes with new colors.
6) Just go with the mess!
The beauty of these are that you can change the designs for any time of the year... Spring flowers, fall leaves, etc.
Don't have kids? That just means your watercolor art can be "perfect." Think color gradients, even and matching strokes, non-soaking wet paper, haha!
These Valentine's are on their way to family all over the country (hopefully they already arrived so we don't blow the surprise!), if you make some please share with me either in the comments below or on Instagram by tagging @thedaringdandelion.
Happy painting!
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