I am so excited to introduce this segment, which will be featured on the 1st of every month. Aubrey is another amazing friend I met in Hawaii who just so happens to be an interior designer! I had asked her a while back if she would be interested in guest posting for me and am so happy she said "yes!"
Each Thrifty Trends post will show you how to achieve the desired look for less. If you're anything like me, I love getting my money's worth, but I am also stingy with what I spend it on.
I don't drink coffee (I know *gasp!*) but I do love tea... here is a current photo of my "tea bar" (*ahem* tea tray) which unfortunately has to sit on top of the microwave in my extremely-limited-counter-and-storage-space of a kitchen. After reading this post I think it's in need of a make-over!
I don't drink coffee (I know *gasp!*) but I do love tea... here is a current photo of my "tea bar" (*ahem* tea tray) which unfortunately has to sit on top of the microwave in my extremely-limited-counter-and-storage-space of a kitchen. After reading this post I think it's in need of a make-over!
If you complete a project inspired by her post let us know in the comments, if you use Instagram you can also hashtag #thedaringdandelion #freshlybrewedhome #thriftytrends and tag @thedaringdandelion
After you check out this inspiration post, make sure to pop on over to Aubrey's website [A Freshly Brewed Home] for more tips, tricks, and ideas!
Bars are pretty trendy right now and I see them everywhere! Whether you
sleepily fill your mug with keurig coffee, use a french press or you
have your own espresso machine, an at home coffee bar is a great accent
to your home. The key to creating your own is to accent the pieces you
use often with beautiful accessories and consolidate everything onto a
shelf, cart or other piece of furniture. Find an area in your kitchen or
dining room that is convenient and has an outlet close by. Use whatever
fits in your space and piece it together as you find things that speak
to you.
you're like me, you're on a pretty tight budget. However, that doesn't
mean that you can't have a beautiful home. This coffee bar I saw as a
great inspiration is actually a DIY project that Natalie at Natalie Creates designed
herself. She used a really ugly white dresser and painted it this
awesome mint color and added some fun knobs to create her coffee bar.

in point...use what you can find at Restore, Goodwill or garage sales
and use some creativity (and Pinterest tutorials of course) to make it
what you want! I pieced together some inexpensive accessories to give
you some inspiration that can take a project to a fabulous spot in your
1. This clock is $8.99 at Target
2. This tray is $11 at H&M (but I see similar trays for a buck or two at Goodwill all the time)
3. Find free printables on Pinterest for your artwork! (I do this all the time)
4. This shelf is $12.99 from IKEA. If you don't have access to IKEA (sad day) Walmart has cheap ones as well
5. This French Press is expensive (even on sale) but I see these everywhere-Starbucks, TJ Maxx, etc
6. Just another free printable! (Seriously, there's soooo many cuute ones out there!)
7. You can find hooks anywhere (these are $5 for 15 at Lowes) but make sure you find ones that will fit your mug handles
8. This chest is
pricey but it's a good option if you don't want to DIY (but seriously,
just find an old bookshelf, dresser, desk...anything that is
table/counter height and it will work!)
9. This jar is
$5.99 at Target and is perfect for storing k-cups or blends (use
whatever works for you or what you have around the house...repurpose
those spaghetti sauce jars, mason jars and other glass things!)
10. Find some candles, flower pots, bowls, etc to accent the aesthetic in the rest of your house.
These are so great for storing syrups if you make your own. Just a set
from Walmart will do (or make your own using empty wine bottles and oil
spouts from Amazon).
Take away Tips:
- Don't clutter the space...just display your favorite mugs and hide the rest in the drawers or bins
- Let it reflect your style...don't use bright pops of color if you love neutrals and don't use vintage accessories if you love modern things
- There is no right or wrong way to set up your coffee bar. You can make it as big or as small as you want with whatever pieces you like
- Remember the purpose of a coffee bar...I know that as a mama and lover of coffee, I need a place that's easy for me to grab everything I need for a pick me up (or really a wake me up..ha!)
Here is my little coffee bar-nothing fancy at all but it has a couple of my favorite things.

Source-and a cool tutorial of how they changed the space
I love this! My coffee bar is my favorite part of my house! I've let my laptop take it over a bit - because I like hanging out there so much!! I love these ideas! Thanks Aubrey & Taylor!