Sunday, December 31, 2017

I Just Love Weekends.

I got a kid-free trip to Target (all the moms sigh in unison or jump for joy)! Best of all... 70% off Christmas clearance. I snagged wrapping paper & gift tags to be stored for next year, a few kids magic color books that we stash in our car doors for road trip meltdowns, and some generic stocking stuffer items to throw in my gift closet for those “oops, it’s ______’s birthday!” Then I saw the mugs, I don’t need anymore to be truthful, the ones I do have are from places we’ve eaten at and loved (Carlos’ Bakery, Cinnamon’s, etc.) or our previous churches (Severn Run, Anchor - just incase you’re looking). But this one caught my eye, and the total cost $1.49...

My initial thought was “I just love weekends because my husband is home, we get to spend quality time together, he gets more time with the kids, we explore the surrounding areas, sometimes go on day trips, and get spiritually filled at church.” So, I bought it.

Then, this morning as I filled up my new mug with hot water and threw in the tea bag, I thought “what if people took it as I just love weekends?” Because I don’t. I try to find joy in each day of the week, Monday through Sunday. Are weekdays sometimes rough? Yes, I am currently a stay at home mom with a 3yr old in the throes of potty training (oh, hey poop on the floor) and a 2mo old baby that demands to be held almost constantly. My husband works anywhere from 5am-7pm (give or take, military life y’all!) so often by the time he gets home all I want to do is hand him the baby, turn a cartoon on for the toddler, and check out for 30min. 

All that to say- I don’t just live for the weekend. I don’t just live for summer. I don’t just live for an upcoming vacation. I hope you see where I’m going with this. One of my mugs also says “Begin and end each day with an expression of joy.” Mug wisdom. If it’s not a thing- I’m declaring it one now. Each and every day we have a choice, will we be joyful or let the bad from the day drag us down?

On the eve of 2018... I'm declaring that joy will be something that I try to find daily!

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”
Proverbs 17:22 NLT

Monday, September 25, 2017

Gold Star Wives & Families.

I STILL don't like posting political things... mainly because I don't enjoy feeding the endless nonsensical arguments that pop-up in the comments. But, just incase you weren't aware- yesterday was Gold Star Mother's & Family's Day. If you don't know what that means, in order to "earn" that title... your son or daughter must die in service to the country. Those families and service members come from ALL races, religions, backgrounds, etc. Yet, each and everyone is welcomed home and to their final resting place with a U.S. flag draped over their casket which is then folded and handed to their loved ones. The TV remained off in our home, I couldn't handle the nonsense being discussed. I scrolled past Facebook/Instagram posts as fast as I possibly could. The hardest part was knowing my husband had just been at a Memorial Service for a fallen Marine brother that morning.

Protest racism. Protest inequality. You CAN protest. That is your right. But, I honestly don't understand protesting the National Anthem of the country that has allowed you to make millions of dollars playing a game you love and given you a huge platform to actually be a positive role model to those who you hope to protect and those you hope to influence, etc. Remember it's the same National Anthem that all service members regardless of race, religion, etc. stand at attention for daily. President Trump (and "bad cops/police brutality" - because I am not delusional in how this whole thing started last year) is not the American Flag, nor is he the National Anthem, and most of all... he is NOT us. He, like every President before him, doesn't encompass the whole of the American people- the beautiful, unique, mixed, mess that we are. But the more and more we divide ourselves, the more people do become like him- the very thing (person) they seem to hate so passionately.

To those Gold Star Mother's and Families that I know personally. 
You were not forgotten yesterday. 
My love and prayers are with you.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Not “Happy” Memorial Day.

I'll be the first to admit when I was younger I said "Happy Memorial Day." But, as I have grown older, learned more about the history of the day, lost a family friend to war, a high school classmate to PTSD, and witnessed many others lose friends/battle buddies I no longer view it as okay. 

One of the first color guard ceremonies my husband was asked to participate in after our move to Hawaii, was at the Hawaiian Memorial Park Cemetery on Memorial Day. On the wall of the Veterans Building the words read: "Tell them we gave our todays for their tomorrows." Among other things, that ceremony and those words helped forever changed my view. 

I've read multiple interviews with Gold Star Wives (military widows) over the past week. All question why people are so "happy" on this day, for them is it simply the start of summer or the 20-30% off items at the stores -- why do we even have sales, Sept 11th doesn't (rightfully so)? Has the American population forgotten what this day is truly about? >> Honoring those who died in service to our country. 

I hope you realize that I am NOT saying you shouldn't enjoy the BBQ, beach, hiking, lake, time with family/friends, maybe even a little shopping, etc. I am saying please also take time to pause, reflect, remember, honor, thank, and if you have children - explain.


Friday, January 20, 2017

“Not My President.”

I'm so tired of being angry. It seems like everyone and everything makes me angry these days. I try my best to brush things off and just go about my day... but then days like today occur. Everyone and their dog is posting utter nonsense, hatred, and vile. No one does research on anything, it's a simple click of the "share" button with some snarky remark added.

Some are mourning over losing a "beloved" first family while others are celebrating that "trash" is leaving the White House. Let me be honest in saying that Mr. Obama wasn't my ideal President and frankly Mr. Trump hasn't given me a lot to look forward too... but they both share one significant thing- the Title of "President of the United States." (Not to mention my husband's boss). I am an American Citizen, therefore both of these men were/is "my President" by default. I am tired of the endless whining, arguing, and utter BS. Sure your candidate lost. In 3 of the 4 elections I've voted in- mine has too. Do you see me complaining, making hateful remarks, or rioting (yes-rioting, destroying public property is not a protest)? Okay your candidate won- I've experienced that once and I completely believe rubbing it in others faces is not the way to go about it.

Don't even get me started on the race thing- remember that my husband isn't white nor is my son. Religion? Well sorry to break it to you but Christianity isn't all that popular anymore and it seems like everywhere I go the Ten Commandments or crosses are being removed. Role model? Of course I don't see the actions of this man as something I want my son to strive for! But just as I hoped and prayed that President Bush and President Obama would lead our country honestly, fairly, justly, and with the good of the American People in mind - I will do he same for President Trump.

I see no point in continuing to divide our nation, our people, our home over this. If you want to do something - volunteer, contact your senator/congressmen, run for your city council or in your local state elections. Be a productive member of society... it's okay to disagree, it's not okay to drive a knife into an already open wound.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

You Can Do This.

"Thank you so much for the advice, it means a lot!" <--- those are the gracious words I received today for taking compassion on someone who's shoes I've been in before. 

Standing in line at the post office, the young woman behind me looked extremely frazzled. I went up to the window and paid for my package and the extra stamps for my "too thick envelopes." As I stepped to the side counter to tediously place my .10 and .01 stamps the young woman stepped up to the window and blurted out "my husband just deployed and I don't know how to mail him anything, what boxes can I use, do I have to pay international fees, he's on a boat, how can I.... etc." the poor postal worker simply asked for the zip code and tried to explain that the packages are sent to a facility in the US first and that would determine the box she chose. Confused she walked to the package area and stared at the wall of boxes... 

I cautiously approached and said "first deployment?" With watery eyes she turned to me and nodded her head. I quickly explained the APO/FPO zip codes and how the boxes go to military distribution facilities within the US before being sent to ships or overseas locations. I did a quick run-down on filling out the customs forms, how priority boxes could weigh a lot but the rate didn't change compared to other boxes that you pay by weight, that she didn't have to pay international shipping rates, etc. I wrangled the toddler, and before parting ways, my last words to her- "you can do this!" 

Be kind to someone today.
Be helpful. Be Courteous.
At the very least... smile.
You never know what they are facing...