
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Social Media is a Can of Worms.

I have always hated the media, but I think I'm starting to hate the Internet/social media even more...

The media has always been "compromised," they are either on the right or the left or are getting paid off by someone. That's just how it is. Feel good stories are far and few ...scandal, death, etc. are what keep people on their channel, reading their paper or website.

But the internet, social media especially, is a can of worms. Before websites, chat rooms, instant messaging, MySpace, Facebook (oh, Facebook), people had to spread their conspiracy theories and hatred (be it racist, sexist, etc.) through word of mouth or print. Now anyone, anyone can be a "keyboard warrior" and have their words read within a matter of minutes, seconds even.
I love the social media for keeping me connected with family since we live so far away, but other than that it just frustrates me. Lies are perpetuated. Hate is re-posted at lightning speed. Everyone has something negative to say about some "other group," some "policy," some "outrageous" act.

I could link a few to help explain but since you're reading this I'm sure you aren't blind to other posts... and I don't want to feed the beast.

I know it's not feasible for us to all get along, but I'm really starting to think that our country is in for some serious trouble in the upcoming years. I feel like we're moving backwards despite everyone saying we're making forward progress in our thinking and policies. 
  • The law is failing us.
  • The people are divided.
  • Political correctness is becoming ridiculous.
  • People are trying to erase history instead of learning from it.
  • What we stand for is being tested and re-imagined.
  • Conspiracies are coursing throughout the veins of many in this country eating into the hearts of other citizens.
  • Everyone is offended by something and now feels the right to call foul on it all.